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He is known for his work on the documentation of the oral literature, particularly the ten epics. These epics are rendered in an extinct language related to Kinaray-a.


His own love for his people’s folklore began when he was a small child. And the more he learned, the greater his fascination became.



The book carries the story of the hunting spree of Datu Paiburong, the cutting of the priced buriraw nga kawayan which is a yellow-colored type of bamboo, and the story of a man-eating monster called the aswang demanding the life of the two daughters of the man who cut down a tree without permission, Makabagting, from Datu Paiburong for crashing his priced burugsak.


Amburukay is a story about a very funny and ugly old woman named Amburukay who demands payment from Datu Labaw Donggon for her stolen golden pubic hair. This book really shows the importance of a tuos, a customary law on verbal promise which is sealed with a precious object. This is a customary tradition that is done in the culture of the Philippines.



Derikaryong Pada is a story about the most beautiful maiden of her time being a bride as a fulfillment of a tuos, which is the hungaw, the traditional wedding. This bride is given a derikaryong pada, a gift said to be very expensive. As all is expected to be gone through very smoothly, the groom is unprepared, and the bride is given to another man. The maiden is now in anguish and turmoil, how will the conflict be resolved?



This book is a tale about the deity Pahagunong, a deity from Urugan (upper world). As Pahagunong gazes down the Patung-an (Middle world), he falls madly in love Matan-ayon, a beautiful long-haired woman that is bathing by the sea coast. But, Pahagunong has to contend with the maiden’s guard, the brave Paubari, as he watches the sea coast. A long fight has occurred until Lasonsina devises a scheme to end it.



Kalampay is a story about a maiden that is being admired by two men. One man is a very envious but handsome man from the underworld, always watching Matan-ayon, even as she bathes by the seaside. Who will win Matan-ayon's hand? Will it be Labaw Donggon or Masangladon.  


It is a book with many interesting characters such as: Sarandihon, a fighter that has the power to wrap his enemies in blazing fire; Lasonsina, an archdeity from the upperworld that settles problems in the middle world; Labaw Dongon, someone who is tasked to kill Sinagnayan; and the golden lion of Minayunmon which conceals the life of Sinagnayan in an egg in his heart.



This book focuses on a conflict between two people: Balanakon and Sarandihon. Both of which are very brave men. Sarandihon guards the Bangga-an gibwangan (river mouth) while Balanakon is someone who wants to pass the river to snatch away they beautiful Matan-ayon from Labaw Donggon. As the two fight with long swords, Balanakon’s eyes are drawn towards a maiden with long hair, Kamaging. Balanakon has completely fallen for Kamaging, how will this affect the outcome?



The book entitled “Humadapnon” by Federico Caballero depicts the story of Humadapnon as he embarks on a sea voyage to pursue the beautiful Malitong Yawa but was enticed along the way by wicked maidens and was stranded in a tarangban (magical cave).  

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